Peter Schwind, Dr. phil. HP

Dr. phil., HP Peter Schwind, Rolfer® und Heilpraktiker, hat seine Ausbildung am von Ida Rolf begründeten Rolf Institute of Structural Integration® in den USA absolviert. Er ist Advanced Instructor beim Rolf Institute sowie bei der European Rolfing Association® in München. Zusammen mit dem Osteopathen Jean-Pierre Barral hat er die münchnergruppe als interdisziplinäres Fortbildungsforum gegründet. Neben seiner Praxistätigkeit unterrichtet Peter Schwind Faszien- und Membrantechnik im Rahmen des Fortbildungsprogramms der münchnergruppe.
All courses with Peter Schwind
Peter Schwind, Dr. phil. HP
Fascia- and Membrantechnique - the discs
- Acute and chronic disc problems within the lumbar and cervical spine
Acute and chronic disc problems within the lumbar and cervical spine.
Manual diagnostics and treatment using Fascial- and Membrane Technique.
This course is about the different dysfunctions of intervertebral discs and their boundary layers. We will focus on disc protrusions of the lumbar and the…
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Peter Schwind, Dr. phil. HP
Fascia- and Membrantechnique - Physical Trauma
- it´s impact on Fascia and Membranes and the various subsystems of the human body
In our practices we see clients that experienced all sort of accidents in their personal or professional life. On one side we may be really challenged by the differences and complexities of the outcomes of these unfortunate events. But on the other side many of our colleagues report, that…
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Peter Schwind, Dr. phil. HP
Inner Spaces of the System of Fascia and Membranes
new concepts, new treatments
There are several different approaches to the myofascial system. Most of them see tension transmitted along lines and planes. This model follows the traditional anatomical view of force transmission within the muscular system, that is meaningful whenever flexion and extension happen during…
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Peter Schwind, Dr. phil. HP
Fascia- and Membrantechniques - Function and Dysfunction of the Temporomandibular Joint
New ways for the treatment of the craniomandibular junctions
This course is about the various manifestations of temporomandibular dysfunction. We will study the anatomical foundations of the tensional patterns that act from the shoulder, the neck and the cranium onto the temporomandibular joint. After that we will have a look at the transmission of…
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Peter Schwind, Dr. phil. HP
NEW! The Psoas and its related visceral structures.
Manual diagnostic and treatment
In this three days workshop we will learn how to evaluate and treat the function of the Psoas muscle. As we know from anatomy the psoas moves our legs and not our backs. However the psoas also contributes to the inner dynamics of inner spaces in front of the back. By that it has influence on…
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Peter Schwind, Dr. phil. HP
NEW! Fascia and Emotion - New Perspectives - New Practise
Since the first FASCIA RESEARCH CONFERENCE in 2007 many assumptions about the plasticity of fascia have been questioned. There are numerous new insights and even more speculations about the processes that we stimulate while doing manual treatment. More than ten years ago, Peter Schwind had the…
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Peter Schwind, Dr. phil. HP
NEW! Fascial- and Membrane Techniques: Scoliosis
A new manual approach for its various manifestations during childhood and during the life of the adult
In this course we will study the manual diagnostics and treatment of scoliosis present in different age groups. We will focus on specific techniques for teenagers and for adult people. Our main goal is to understand that the scoliotic pattern is present within all the elements of the human…
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Peter Schwind, Dr. phil. HP
NEW! Fascial- and Membrane Techniques: Dysfunctions of the Extremities
and their Relations to the Joints of the Shoulder girdle, of the Pelvis and the Vertebral Spine. „Classical“ and new Techniques for Treatment of the Fascial and Membrane System
In this course we will focus on dysfunctions of the upper extremity epicondylitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, dysfunctions of the thumb and arthrosis around the hand and the fingers. And we work with the lower extremity (dysfunctions of the hip, the knee and the ankle).
In this new version of…
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Peter Schwind, Dr. phil. HP and
Martin Güthlin, Dr. med.
Barral`s Manual diagnostics - Manual Thermal diagnostics
This course will give a step by step introduction to the diagnostic system of Jean-Pierre Barral. During the many years of working with Barral we have observed why his treatments are in many cases exceptionally successful: He uses the single techniques in a very specific mode based on a…
Peter Schwind, Dr. phil. HP
Fascia training für the organs
for self help
We all know from practice that the results of Visceral Manipulation have a lasting effect. We could demonstrate in some cases, that a single mobilisation of the kidneys shows the result even four years after the treatment. However many clients ask: „ Is there something that I can do myself?“…
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Peter Schwind, Dr. phil. HP
Fascial- and Membrane Techniques: Cranium-Mandible-Neck
Special emphasis: craniomandibular dysfunction (CMD)
This three days course will give an overview about the connective tissue relationships between cranium, mandible and neck. We will start with an evaluation of the external fascial layers around the TMJ. After we will have a look on the bilaminary zone and her role for the function of the disc…
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Peter Schwind, Dr. phil. HP
Fascia and Emotion
Since the research of the American Neuroscientist Gellhorn the relationship between tensional patterns of the organism and emotion has been a challenging theme of science. After the results of recent research about fascia Gellhorns early findings have found new interest. And this is not only…
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Peter Schwind, Dr. phil. HP
Fascial and membrane technique: Key Structures of Fascia and Membranes
Manual diagnostics and treatment
In this course Peter Schwind relates his practical experience of working with fascia to the latest news from the scientific field. He introduces diagnostic items for the manual evaluation of fascia and membranes for the widespread typology of tissues: We will explore in which ways the fascial…
Peter Schwind, Dr. phil. HP
Visceral Manipulation – Organs of the abdomen- Part 1
Liver, stomach, gall bladder, duodenum and related sphincters
This new format of our visceral courses focuses during the first part (three days) on liver, stomach, gall bladder, duodenum and small intestine. There will be clear instruction for anatomical topology, for detailed tests of mobility and motility of the organs, for their relations with vessels…
Peter Schwind, Dr. phil. HP and
Martin Güthlin, Dr. med.
Barral`s Manual diagnostics - Manual Thermal diagnostics
This course will give a step by step introduction to the diagnostic system of Jean-Pierre Barral. During the many years of working with Barral we have observed why his treatments are in many cases exceptionally successful: He uses the single techniques in a very specific mode based on a…
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All publications from Peter Schwind

Das Croissant im Gehirn

Praxishandbuch Faszienbehandlung - Muskelfaszien, Membranen, Organhüllen

Alles im Lot