NEW! Fascia and Emotion - New Perspectives - New Practise
Since the first FASCIA RESEARCH CONFERENCE in 2007 many assumptions about the plasticity of fascia have been questioned. There are numerous new insights and even more speculations about the processes that we stimulate while doing manual treatment. More than ten years ago, Peter Schwind had the chance to observe Jean-Pierre Barral doing succesful work with a difficult case of long term damage caused by a stroke. This case was about a stroke that destroyed the patient`s ability to speak. Peter described his observations years later in his non-fiction book THE CROISSANT INSIDE THE BRAIN. Ever since he has spent more than a decade investigating the possible consequences of the connections between the brain and fascia system in practice with great enthusiasm for experimentation and speculation and has worked on new treatment techniques.
In this course we will – as a first item - work on the basic knowledge for practice:
- How do we recognize dominant emotional patterns in the organism?
- What are the signs of restricted patterns of breathing and how are these patterns to be treated?
- What are the segments of the body, the fascial layers and the fascial spaces that we should actually treat?
- How do we recognize the reactions of the autonomous nervous system and use these reactions in a constructive way for the treatment?
Beyond basic aspects basic knowledge, we will also deal with complex interrelationships:
- Is it really a fact that core areas of the fascial system, that are related to functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system, may recognized within the “mapping” certain areas of the brain?
- Do we have a chance to train the sensitivity of our hands in a way, that we are able to discover structural and functional dysfunctions - as Barral describes it - inside the brain?
- Is it possible to recognize problematic zones inside the archeobrain and relate it ito emotional patterns?
The English version of Peter`s book has been published recently and is available at he webshop of IAHE:
(Peter Schwind: “The Croissant inside the Brain” - The legendary Manual Therapy of Jean-Pierre Barral, D.O., M.R.O. (F), R.P.T.)
Your instructor

Peter Schwind, Dr. phil. HP
Thursday, 15.10.2020- Saturday, 17.10.2020
(3 days)
5th floor
Lindwurmstr. 88
80337 Munich
No registration possible