Fascial and membrane technique: Key Structures of Fascia and Membranes
Manual diagnostics and treatment
In this course Peter Schwind relates his practical experience of working with fascia to the latest news from the scientific field. He introduces diagnostic items for the manual evaluation of fascia and membranes for the widespread typology of tissues: We will explore in which ways the fascial system connects the main components of the parietal, visceral and craniosacral systems. We will study the topography of the „inner bridges“ between the various cavities inside the torso and the cranium. And we will pay attention to the connections between the torso and the extremities.
For the trunk: Special emphasis of this course will given to the manual evaluation and treatment of the spatial subdivisions of the thorax, abdomen and pelvis.
For the extremities: Special emphasis will be given to the distinction between deep fascia of the muscle, intermuscular septa and interosseous membranes.
For the transitional areas between trunk and extremities: Special emphasis will be given to the microstructures around the joint capsules and their role within the hydrostatic pressure system of joints
Your instructor

Peter Schwind, Dr. phil. HP
Dr. phil., HP Peter Schwind, Rolfer® und Heilpraktiker, hat seine Ausbildung am von Ida Rolf begründeten Rolf Institute of Structural Integration® in…
More about Peter Schwind
Thursday, 06.07.2017- Saturday, 08.07.2017
(3 days)
If you wish translation, you can tell us via the registration form. We cannot guarantee, but we do our best.
540,00 €
payment until 24.05.2017
5th floor
Lindwurmstr. 88
80337 Munich
5th floor
Lindwurmstr. 88
80337 Munich
No registration possible