Your Instructors

Geert Achterkamp, D.O.-MRO
More about Geert Achterkamp
Jean-Pierre Barral, D.O.
Osteopath D.O., ist der Begründer und international führende Vertreter der Viszeralen Osteopathie…

Bruno Donatini, Dr. med. D.O.
Bruno Donatini, MD, PhD, graduated in 1988 in immunology focusing his work and research on…

Maria Laura Gentilini, D.O.
More about Maria Laura GentiliniBild folgt
Martin Güthlin, Dr. med.
More about Martin Güthlin
David Lachaize, D.O.
David Lachaize D.O. has received his osteopathic education at the Ecole d´Osteopathie Geneve. He…
More about David Lachaize
Peter Schwind, Dr. phil. HP
Dr. phil., HP Peter Schwind, Rolfer® und Heilpraktiker, hat seine Ausbildung am von Ida Rolf…

Thomas Sonnleitner, Osteopath BAO
More about Thomas Sonnleitner
Didde Thorsted, DO
Didde Thorsted is an Aut. Physiotherapist, Aut. Osteopat DO. M.R.O.DK, Naturopath and she also…
More about Didde Thorsted