Jean-Pierre Barral, D.O.

Osteopath D.O., ist der Begründer und international führende Vertreter der Viszeralen Osteopathie und kann auf über 30 Jahre praktische Erfahrung zurückblicken.
Er leitet die Abteilung Viszerale Manipulation der medizinischen Fakultät in Paris du Nord und ist Direktor des Collège International d'Ostéopathie in Saint Etienne. Neben seiner weltweiten Tätigkeit als Dozent praktiziert Jean-Pierre Barral in einer eigenen Praxis in Grenoble.
All courses with Jean-Pierre Barral
Jean-Pierre Barral, D.O.
NEW! A Manual Approach To The Brain – Part 3
Prerequisite for this course is participation in the courses "Manual Treatment of the Brain - Part 1 and Part 2"
Practical Applications
This course focuses on precise evaluation and treatment of significant dysfunctions of the human brain. The goal of the course is to learn how to work for a…
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David Lachaize, D.O.
NEW! Manipulation Structurelle Tissulaire - The Spine - Part 1 of 2
Part 1 and part 2 are one unit and only bookable as a package
This 6 days course (two parts of 3 days each) is about the practical application of the „Manipulation Structurelle Tissulaire“ on dysfunctions of the spinal column. This method guides the work into a direction, that is different from techniques like the “lumbar roll” and different from…
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David Lachaize, D.O.
NEW! The Thrust - Manipulation Structurelle Tissulaire
In this 3 days course David Lachaize will give a practical introduction into the modality of work, that he calls “Manipulation Structerelle Tissulaire”. Step by step, he will clarify the basic concepts of this work. And he will explain, why this work is not based on using force and that it is…
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Jean-Pierre Barral, D.O.
NEW! A Manual Approach To The Brain – Part 2
This course requires the participation in the course „A Manual Approach To The Brain – Part 1“.
The second part of the course about the brain focuses especially on functional aspects. There will be detailed practical instruction for techniques that relate to the senses and their connections…
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Jean-Pierre Barral, D.O.
NEW! A Manual Approach To The Brain – Part 2
This course requires the participation in the course „A Manual Approach To The Brain – Part 1“.
The second part of the course about the brain focuses especially on functional aspects. There will be detailed practical instruction for techniques that relate to the senses and their connections…
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Jean-Pierre Barral, D.O.
NEW! A Manual Approach To The Brain - Part 1
Registration only possible on waitlist - Number of participants limited
The brain will always be fascinating fort he world of medicine and science. And despite all the research it will be mysterious.
The modern methods of imaging have made exceptional progress. Nowadays it is possible to explore not only structural but also functional problems by using functional…
Jean-Pierre Barral, D.O.
NEW! Advanced Trauma
Trauma has immediate and long term influence on structure and function of the body.
This class will focus on both these effects.
In the thorax we will differentiate manually the effects on the ribcage:
the costo-vertebral joints, cartilages, the sternum and the ribs themselves; especially the…
Jean-Pierre Barral, D.O.
Osteo-articular manipulations
Some joints of the human body are closely linked to visceral organs. Therefore, when confronted with visceral dysfunctions we might easily be mislead to take them for a joint issue, which at first sight is of solely biomechanical nature/quality. However physical reality and her inner…
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Jean-Pierre Barral, D.O.
Visceral Manipulation - Neuroendocrine Effects
The focus of this class will mainly be on techniques which have proven to produce long-term effects that can be observe 4-6 weeks after visceral manipulation.
As we know, organs respond to:
- Direct manipulations
- Indirect manipulations
- Neural manipulations
- Vascular manipulations
Due to…
David Lachaize, D.O.
NEW! Manipulation Structurelle Tissulaire - The Spine - Part 2 of 2
Part 1 and part 2 are one unit and only bookable as a package
This 6 days course (two parts of 3 days each) is about the practical application of the „Manipulation Structurelle Tissulaire“ on dysfunctions of the spinal column. This method guides the work into a direction, that is different from techniques like the “lumbar roll” and different from…
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David Lachaize, D.O.
NEW! Manipulation Structurelle Tissulaire - Extremities
The 3 days course is about the practical application of “Manipulation Structurelle Tissulaire“ for the upper and lower extremities. This is the fourth course, that David teaches for us, and also this course focuses on the innovative, specific modality of his work: The subtle sensing of the…
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Jean-Pierre Barral, D.O.
NEW! A Manual Approach To The Brain – Part 3
Prerequisite for this course is participation in the courses "Manual Treatment of the Brain - Part 1 and Part 2"
Practical Applications
This course focuses on precise evaluation and treatment of significant dysfunctions of the human brain. The goal of the course is to learn how to work for a…
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All publications from Jean-Pierre Barral

Lehrbuch der Viszeralen Osteopathie

Lehrbuch der Viszeralen Osteopathie

Manipulation peripherer Nerven

Osteopathie für die Prostata

Viszerale Osteopathie in der Gynäkologie

Manuelle Thermodiagnose

Visceral Manipulation 2

Visceral Manipulation


Manual Themal Evaluation

Manual Thermal Diagnosis

Die Botschaften unseres Körpers

Manual Therapyfor the Peripheral Nerves

Manipulation viszeraler Gefäße