The Endocrine System and Osteopathy

In this course we will discuss the endocrine glands in their function and dysfunction. The focus will be on the subclinical endocrine problems which are very frequently seen in our practices. We will learn how to test and how to treat the endocrine glands. The participants will be able to test the health and to make a strategy to improve the health of their patients. The participants will learn new techniques in diagnosis and treatment.

Your instructor

René Zweedijk

   René Zweedijk, D.O. BSc (Hon) Ost Med.

More about René Zweedijk

  fully booked - only waitlist possible


Wednesday, 18.10.2017
- Friday, 20.10.2017

(3 days)
540,00 €
payment until 29.08.2017

5th floor
Lindwurmstr. 88
80337 Munich

No registration possible