NEW! Learning - Behavioral and emotional problems in children

an osteopathic approach

Learning difficulties are frequently seen problems in the osteopathic practice. Artificially they can be divided into primary and secondary problems. In primary problems the cause can be found in the central nervous system.  

These problems are hard to influence, and the child must learn to deal with the problem. In case of the secondary problems the learning difficulties are caused by dysfunctions in the body.  In this course we learn how to diagnose and to treat the secondary learning problems. We will examine the skull, the spine and the visceral system and see what area’s are the most important in these cases and how to treat them. We will learn how to test and treat the double triad of eye, the upper neck and the temporal bone. We will use techniques to influence the brain development ADHS, ADD, autism, fears, oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) and others are problems seen in children.

We will see how to treat these children and how to help them and their parents by osteopathic treatment.The course will be a very practical course and will enable the participants to use the approach directly in their practice.

Your instructor

René Zweedijk

   René Zweedijk, D.O. BSc (Hon) Ost Med.

More about René Zweedijk


Wednesday, 26.06.2019
- Friday, 28.06.2019

(3 days)
540,00 €
payment until 29.04.2019

5th floor
Lindwurmstr. 88
80337 Munich

No registration possible