Inner dimensions of the human pelvis and their connections with the musculoskeletal system
This course is a two days follow-up of Thomas Sonnleitner's course about visceral manipulation of the of the pelvic organs. Laura and Peter Schwind have worked together to update the course material with the latest findings in Visceral Manipulation. Barral`s concept sees the neck of the uterus as the keystone of an arch that receives the motion and pressures of the column of organs. The neck of the uterus distributes the weight towards the pelvic bones, the bony framework. There is an analogy with the system described by Karpandji, which shows how he gravity line comes to the promotorium of the sacrum and how the forces go to the hip. The uterus protects the bladder from too much pressure, which can be one of the factors, that cause incontinence in women. In man the prostate has to fulfill a job, that can in a certain way be compared with the uterus. And for both organs - prostate and uterus - we have to keep an eye on the coccyx and the related ligaments. We have to be aware that the nervus pudendus is directly related to the sacrospinous ligament. And we also have to be aware that the cranial system as an inner connection with the deep pelvic elements via the dura mater spinalis. Laura will cover additional aspects of the visceral pelvis, that add to the basic course about visceral manipulation of the urogenital system and she will include the connections with the vertebral spine and the hip joints.
This course is practically oriented. All treatment techniques are introduced by clear anatomical description, including palpation-, tests and also internal manipulation.
Your instructor
Friday, 24.11.2017- Saturday, 25.11.2017
(2 days)
If you wish translation, you can tell us via the registration form. We cannot guarantee, but we do our best.
330,00 €
payment until 01.10.2017
European Rolfing Association e.V.
Saarstr. 5
80797 Munich
Saarstr. 5
80797 Munich
No registration possible