Visceral manipulation – Organs of the thorax

postponed from March 2020 to October 22nd - 25th, 2020 !!!

Jean-Pierre Barral had started almost 30 years ago to teach his course about Visceral Manipulation of the thorax for the munich group. Based on his teachings we offer the traditional tests and treatment techniques for the thorax.
We will start to invetigate the motion of breathing, especially how it manifests on the heart and the lungs. And we will take care to train the tactile. sensitivity our hands. We will learn about global and local tests to investigate the inner spaces of the thorax. After that we follow up testing the motion and recognize the fixations between  the two layers of the pleura and the ligaments between the cervical spine and the endothoracic fascia. We pay attention to the most importsnt detils, tht have influence onto the almost 150 articulations of this area of the body. And last not least we work on all those layers of the heart and the lungs, that shape the thorax from inside.

Your instructor

Thomas Sonnleitner

   Thomas Sonnleitner, Osteopath BAO

More about Thomas Sonnleitner

  Beware! Due to the current situation, the course from March 19th - 22nd, 2020 has been postponed to October 22nd - 25th, 2020 !!!


Wednesday, 21.10.2020
- Saturday, 24.10.2020

(4 days)
If you wish translation, you can tell us via the registration form. We cannot guarantee, but we do our best.
690,00 €
payment until 14.07.2020

5th floor
Lindwurmstr. 88
80337 Munich

No registration possible