NEW! Advanced approach to the fluids of the organism - An osteopathic approach

In this course we start with the center of the fluids: the heart. We look at the different aspect of the heart. We work from superficial into the deep, arterial and venous parts are treated.
The different cavities in the body are investigated and  we will see how they influence circulation. We study in detail the arterial, venous and lymphatic circulation in the trunk and  in the cranium. How does hemodynamics function, what is the influence of the sympathetic nervous system?
We will study new areas and focus especially on segments, where the circulation plays a dominant role.
The course will 80% practical with a lot of new techniques that can be used in the osteopathic practice.

Your instructor

René Zweedijk

   René Zweedijk, D.O. BSc (Hon) Ost Med.

More about René Zweedijk

  Registration only possible on waiting list !


Wednesday, 30.11.2022
- Friday, 02.12.2022

(3 days)
615,00 €
payment until 02.10.2022

5th floor
Lindwurmstr. 88
80337 Munich

No registration possible