“Biofilm” – Relations between metabolic diseases. Practical applications for manual practitioners
This course is a continuation of the course last year. However this time there will be much more practice. The course is open for newcomers as well as for those, who did already a course with Bruno Donatini and want to know more about practice.
Gastro-duodenal emptying disturbances are very frequent. They induce small bowel as well as large bowel dysbioses leading to chronic inflammation, metabolic disease, weakened immunity, some cancers and perhaps depression.
This cascade of complications can be prevented with appropriate dietary intake, physical exercises, electrostimulation of the left vagal nerve and abdominal osteopathy.
The measure of exhaled hydrogen or of methylacetate enables to distinguish three main types of dysbioses (bacterial overgrowth).
Gastroduodenal anatomy, visualized by echography, will be demonstrated as well as osteopathic maneuvers and electrostimulation of the left vagal nerve. Echography confirms the diagnosis, the impact of osteopathic maneuvers and the amplitude of gastro-duodenal emptying. The elasticity of the liver gives hints on the inflammation.
Dietetic advices and use of essential oils or medicinal mushrooms will also be provided.
Your instructor

Bruno Donatini, Dr. med. D.O.
Bruno Donatini, MD, PhD, graduated in 1988 in immunology focusing his work and research on gastroenterology-hepatology and oncology. In 2006 he…
More about Bruno Donatini
Friday, 23.06.2017- Saturday, 24.06.2017
(2 days)
360,00 €
payment until 27.04.2017
5th floor
Lindwurmstr. 88
80337 Munich
5th floor
Lindwurmstr. 88
80337 Munich
No registration possible