Didde Thorsted, DO

Didde Thorsted

Didde Thorsted is an Aut. Physiotherapist, Aut. Osteopat DO. M.R.O.DK, Naturopath and she also holds a DO & a PG Cert in Paediatric Osteopathy. Didde is a co-owner of Qklinik, five osteopathic clinics in the heart of and around Copenhagen, that specialises in the treatment of women and children. She has worked in the paediatric field since 1997 and from 2010 exclusively with 0-12 year olds, with a majority of clients under one year of age. She has participated in considerable amount of paediatric courses locally and abroad, along with craniosacral therapy at The Upledger Institute and visceral treatment at The Barral Institute, with primary focus on paediatric treatment. Didde is the founder and chairperson of The Danish Society of Paediatric Osteopathy (DSPO) and Danske Børneosteopater (DBO), and is a well recognised lecturer in Denmark and internationally on issues relating to osteopathic paediatric treatment.  As well as being the proud mother of four wonderful children.

    Alle Kurse mit Didde Thorsted

Didde Thorsted, DO

NEU! Die osteopathische Behandlung von Kleinkindern
Die fünf großen Herausforderungen in der Praxis: Koliken, Verformungen des Säuglingsschädels (Plagiozephalie), Reflux, Otitis und Schiefhals (Tortikolis)

In unserem neuen Kurs unterrichtet Didde Thorsted, wie man mit den großen Herausforderungen umgeht, mit denen wir besonders häufig konfrontiert sind, wann immer wir Kleinkinder in unserer Praxis sehen. Die hier gemeinten Dysfunktionen sind DIE FÜNF GROSSEN THEMEN DER PÄDIATRIE.

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  11.01.2024 - 13.01.2024